The gap.

Disabled people
Disabled people

I went to a fair in Nurnburg, Germany, last month. It was a fair which was totally dedicated to disabled people. A good occasion in checking the state of the art in this field. There were even some Italian stands over there.

Italian associations and funds taking care of blind people presented some works of their disabled associated: they were all handmade artcrafts. Crafted products.

The german associations and funds taking care of blind people, presented works made in factories by their associated people.

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About the Author

Sergio Mauri
Blogger, autore. Perito in Sistemi Informativi Aziendali, musicista e compositore, Laurea in Discipline storiche e filosofiche. Premio speciale al Concorso Claudia Ruggeri nel 2007; terzo posto al Premio Igor Slavich nel 2020. Ha pubblicato con Terra d'Ulivi nel 2007 e nel 2011, con Hammerle Editori nel 2013 e 2014, con PGreco nel 2015 e con Historica Edizioni e Alcova Letteraria nel 2022 e Silele Edizioni (La Tela Nera) nel 2023.

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