And the Central Scrutinizer asked: are you a fucking troll?


A couple of days ago I made my mind up to publish a new post, a funny and weird story post. Julius Darboven, after being choosen as an author, signed the weird story. I’d like to read your feedbacks about Julius; it’s very important because he’s my preferred character. The question Are you a fucking troll? is so usual on the Internet that is embarassing to ask. Anyway we have to, in order to post, read and laugh about it. So, here it is.

The “cuntfart” case: Nad “the chumpest” Nosemaj.

by Julius Darboven

I could entitle this piece Story of a troll or Who’s the fucking chump Nad? Or, Champion of assholeness. You know, the kind of Americans who can fight solely if they are sure to win (they’re not brave, you know?): a tank against a nude hands man, could be enough for him/them? We know they’re not all of the same kind: unfortunately this kind is the noisest one. I know he can just speak a bad english; for that British English people hate this sort of Americans. You cannot figure out he’s studying a foreign language, it’s too much for his brain. I think this American is the most strange mankind in the world: much of his capabilities (the average goat ability) are wasted by looking for a job and dreaming to be a tycoon. Actually he is a true chump. How do they say? A looser. Indeed he is one of them. What’s the reason? His intellect is underdeveloped. However, this assumption is not enough to explain what he is. Let’s start by the most important point: we don’t really know if he is a true body and soul and not solely a name typed by a computer keyboard.

Well, let’s go on. This is directly connected with the last sentence: he even doesn’t know what there’s outside of his home. He’s not interested about it. This is the mentality of the sieged ruling castle, very famous in the middleage, that allows you to walk around with weapons and guns in order to kill every moving shit in the streets. He is a fucking anti-hero, proud to be a looser. That’s the way it goes. When the supposed (if existing) enemy number one Osama Bin Laden attacked USA he felt the insane need to beat some bearded and/or arab looking like men. He wanted to kill some of them even if those peolpe haven’t ever made anything against the brave Dan.

Dan doesn’t know what he’s writing about because he’s not able to read. He’s the brave Far-West pistolero looking man, insane, dirty and liar; he’s not able to read his own mothertongue language. The reason is explained two paragraphs before that. Philosophy is not the hardcore business of that man: he couldn’t be able to tell the difference between ideas, words, way of life or thinking. Nevertheless he could be able to live decently: his private life is bankrupt. No moral values, nothing recognizable as good in him. He tried to take advantage in being a fake husband and father. He failed. Fake doesn’t work.

Eventually he’s a fascist. He uses to oppress his named victims, he uses to force them in following him into vacuus speeches and smoke and mirror concepts. In english, of course. I told you: he’s not able to study and learn something else then his gardening time at his home courtyard. He’s a fucking goat; he’s a fucking silly bastard.

Ok people, now a revelation. This piece is a joke: all the people mentioned here are pure fancy. Trolls have no name. Of course.

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About the Author

Sergio Mauri
Blogger, autore. Perito in Sistemi Informativi Aziendali, musicista e compositore, Laurea in Discipline storiche e filosofiche. Premio speciale al Concorso Claudia Ruggeri nel 2007; terzo posto al Premio Igor Slavich nel 2020. Ha pubblicato con Terra d'Ulivi nel 2007 e nel 2011, con Hammerle Editori nel 2013 e 2014, con PGreco nel 2015 e con Historica Edizioni e Alcova Letteraria nel 2022 e Silele Edizioni (La Tela Nera) nel 2023.

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