Hillary Clinton, the man who ruled America.

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton, born Hillary Diane Rodham on October 26, 1947, in Chicago, Illinois, is a prominent American lawyer, politician, and public figure. She has held several significant roles throughout her career, including First Lady of the United States, U.S. Senator, Secretary of State, and the first woman to be nominated for president by a major U.S. political party.

Any given day I see Obama on TV reports talking about how to change America’s future. At the same time I deeply feel he’s not truly managing America. He’s just talking, just chilling out…singing, dancing… I thought HE was the first lady.

This morning I’ve seen a TV report on Afghanistan, where she – Hillary – suddenly appeared and met Afghan officials and talked about local situation, state agreements going on there. Obama seems to be just a delicate facade for all that. Hillary and her entourage are a big political deal concerned about the money system  survival. Just naive people could think she’s doing something for the poors, homeless and starving people all over USA.

She acts like a man. She’s a stark, consistent official. A liberal one, of course: this assumption can relieve your pain. This is the top rated type of behaviour we can afford in this society. Do you truly think she’s able to feel close to the poor black and white single women who grow up their babies with low incomes or no assests or to the homeless when she organizes conventions about investor opportunities all over the world? Are feminists able to explain that? Do you really think she could be able to solve their problems when she just would have to give her money to build houses and hospitals and she’s not doing it at all?

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About the Author

Sergio Mauri
Blogger, autore. Perito in Sistemi Informativi Aziendali, musicista e compositore, Laurea in Discipline storiche e filosofiche. Premio speciale al Concorso Claudia Ruggeri nel 2007; terzo posto al Premio Igor Slavich nel 2020. Ha pubblicato con Terra d'Ulivi nel 2007 e nel 2011, con Hammerle Editori nel 2013 e 2014, con PGreco nel 2015 e con Historica Edizioni e Alcova Letteraria nel 2022 e Silele Edizioni (La Tela Nera) nel 2023.

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