Who’s that man? Donald Trump!

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

This is a message to the american voters who have to make their minds up in order to choose a candidate for the White House, in the next elections rally. I just want to start with Mr. Donald Trump. What are the outstanding points emerging from his character? Here are my points:

1-He’s a billionaire, completely belonging that category, the category tha sank USA into the shit!

2-Fox News gave Donald Trump the largest space on news than ever, and even comparing with other candidates.

3-CNN, as well, gave Donald Trump three times space than his nearest rival, Jeff Bush.

4-That is because Donald Trump is a “rating machine”.

5-His messianic attitude, as on the Daily Coller, where he was acting like a Pope, cheerishing an infant white boy beared by a fanatic supporter mother in Alabama. Saying: “Thanks Lord Jesus, for President Trump”.

6-For the woman in the New Hampshire campaign stop, who rushed to testify people “touching” Donald Trump’s head.

7-Donald Trump is a pure media product, a billionaire crook.

8-Because the Wall Street Journal, representing the people who actively fucked the poors in the last 30 years, is very happy for Trump’s success. (“Trump and his apologists”)

9-On the U.S. version of the serial “The Apprentice” he was a “beloved” firing host boss, pointing his fingers at people just to tell them “you are fired”. That was for 11 years.

10-He wants the free trade and circulation of fire arms. Ok, good luck.

11-He has an assett of 4,1 billion dollars (Forbes), 9 billions (following himself declarations), 9 billions (Washington Post).

12-He’s against any taxation policy; firearms control; international aids; against Obamacare; claiming to treat China as an enemy.

13-He did agree in attacking Irak as he told publicly Howard Stern, during his show, on 11/9/2002.

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About the Author

Sergio Mauri
Blogger, autore. Perito in Sistemi Informativi Aziendali, musicista e compositore, Laurea in Discipline storiche e filosofiche. Premio speciale al Concorso Claudia Ruggeri nel 2007; terzo posto al Premio Igor Slavich nel 2020. Ha pubblicato con Terra d'Ulivi nel 2007 e nel 2011, con Hammerle Editori nel 2013 e 2014, con PGreco nel 2015 e con Historica Edizioni e Alcova Letteraria nel 2022 e Silele Edizioni (La Tela Nera) nel 2023.

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